From the Web

Openness, Permission, Courtesy and Nuances of Licenses – From The Chronicle of Higher Education

bee about to land on flower

In this article column from The Chronicle of Higher Education, the author shows how the real-world implications of licenses and how difficult it can be, at times, to choose how we want to share the work that we’re doing. This is particularly important for us as Social Mediums. Not only are we content creators (as any graduate students are), but we’re also content sharers and so we need to know the nuances of licenses–including the myriad Creative Commons licenses and be able to confidently share content on our social media. — Social Mediums

From the Web

Culling Your Social Media Past – From the Chronicle of Higher Education

The past few blog posts have been articles that encourage us to think about the ways we purposefully (and unpurposefully) may shape our social media landscape. This article, from the Chronicle of Higher Education, flips the focus from what we see to what others see. 

One of the jobs that we have as Social Mediums is consulting with faculty and students in our programs to construct social media plans. Social Media has become ubiquitous enough that it seems organic, but it is generally purposefully driven (even if it’s not always obvious what our purpose is). Through the process of professionalization or even just the usual processes of time, our social media persona that we want to project may change. Certainly there are calls now for the current U.S. president to consider his social media strategy even if he won’t change who he is. It’s not always a case of “authenticity” but of “appropriate.”

So we share this article on taking care of your social media feed. We think of it a bit like caring for a garden. Sometimes pruning helps keep the paths and ways clear so that people can better enjoy the view. — Social Mediums