Twitter isn’t only useful for promotion. The spirit of the social media is that it is not a megaphone for broadcasting, but a tool for engaging others in meaningful discussion. Anyone who has taught knows that tools that help keep students engaged and that encourage discussion are useful. This interesting article from the Graduate Center’s own Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) describes using Twitter to inform student understanding of experimental literature like James Joyce’s Ulysses. — The Social Mediums
Tag: Assignments
When we think about social media, what comes to mind is usually the big platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. But there are many other tools that fall into the category, including apps that let you live-stream. ONe of our jobs as Social Media Fellows is to help groups in our respective programs live-stream events and to plan to make live-streaming a success. We have all the tools that the GC has to take advantage of, though (high quality web cameras, IT staff, etc.). But what can you do with simpler technology like you’re phone? This interesting article from the Graduate Center’s own Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) describes using an app for live-streaming in a journalism class, but it has implications for any kind of streaming you might want to do as part of you research, organizing, etc. — The Social Mediums